This Raya we're thinking of having hand-stitched embroidery for our collection. If you have any requests, please do tell us now. Dateline is before 26th of September 2008.
1. Color
2. Material (silk, cotton, polyester)
3. Type (sheer or normal)
4. Embroidery (heavy or light)
5. Others that are related (maybe pricing :) )
Include your name and email address, or maybe a phone number so that we can contact you. Send them to
All kurtas are being brought back from Pakistan, with love.
This is a LIMITED offer and you don't come across this chance too often, so better request now. Don't worry, all names and contact numbers will be kept confidential.

If you wanna inquire anything about any kurta, email us here:-
Don't miss out! These things sell like hot cakes! [LIMITED EDITION]
The title says it all, but here's an extra detail , " Contact us and we'll contact you back, giving you better recommendations of our latest kurta"
Inquiries can be made by simply mailing us to
Greetings fellow customers!
We are proud to announce
that our final sketch is made Kurta Lane's official logo.!
These were our previous sketches (our final sketch was the second from top - which made it) :
As you can see, the title "Mabooha" was also put into consideration. However we thought that that "Kurta Lane" would give a clearer impression of what we are selling. .
Hi all. I just wanna touch a little on the way to care for your kurtas. Since the kurtas we have are mostly embroidered and some of it quite delicate, I'd like to share some care instructions so that your kurtas will have a more lasting life.
When washing
- Wash with a mild detergent
- Preferable to hand wash/dry clean
- Extra care should be taken not to rub the embroidery with each other
- Never leave any piece of embroidered clothing soaking or in water or lying in a pile when wet
- Iron on the reverse side of the embroidery